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Welcome to my simple triple blog, i`m blabla..famous as blabla..thanks for visited my blog, nice to meet you, leave your footstep at my cbox, Do follow :)

What make i happy :)

Hey !

Before this post , i write about sad and you should cry when read my post . Okay , this post i want story about what make i happy . Before that i want tell you about happy , For me happy a subjective . It is because some people happy in diffrent way , Like me i happy when i with the people that can make me forget about my problem . I know so many people in this world , but not all people will understand us . I have known the  people that always make me forget about my problem for a while . When they talk with me i was be like " why you so funny like you don't have a problem " I like the people like that . That can make me happy eventhough a while . I very hope that all people can be like that , but Alhamdulilah all people that i closed a so funny i love them so much . thankyou who stay with me . 

Thankyou , 

The saddest memory that i have :( 1942-2014

Hey everyone ! 

I want to story about my saddest memory . It was happen on 2014 . People said " you must believe on people come and go " on 11.11.2014 that was the date my beloved person leave me forever . That was Ali bin Othman . Ali bin Othman was my only grandfather that i have on my mother's side ,it because my grandfather on father's side was pass away before i was born so i never know him . I call my grandfather as "Atok " very soft and kind person . He never scold me . He call me as " kak ngah " . He will shout my name when time to eat . The best part with him a every i shake with him to back the magic will happen , know what i always get a pocket money from him . Atok is the reason why i very excited to back home . On 11.11.2014 at the night i was at the hostel , i playing UNO card with my friend wawa , mj , aqilah and others . Suddenly , my sister came and said want to see me with the face very sad . I ask she what happen ? and she said Atok was leave us forever . I am shock and cry at that place . I arrived at my village , that was a lot of people read yassin that time i believe that would not see him again . I can't talk , eat i just want atok in that time . Know what 3days more is my sister birthday . My sister glad can't celebrate with him . We do tahlill 3 days and everything is okay . That was the saddest memory that i have . Ali bin othman 1942-2014 .  

My great holiday
Asslamualaikum :) 

How are you guys? That you enjoy your holiday ? I hope you enjoy your Chinese New Year Holiday eventhough our school no chinese student but still leave a week that why i love Malaysia so much . Okay this holiday i don't have to much but i have to prepare to my upcoming ULBS SPM  . Such As PQS , BI , BM  wish i could be the best score . Okay let's start with my great holiday . Know what? My sister Daling back to home for this holiday been a long time she did not return home i miss Daling so much . When Daling got home he had a fever actually Daling had a fever around 10 days . Alhamdulilah when she got home her fever became better . She got only 5 days levave from thursday untill Tuesday . I think it more than enough to i elimanate my miiss to her . Then , what make my holiday became better a MY BESTFRIEND NEIGHBOUR WILL BE ENGAGED ! I am very happy for her . I help the preparation from the begining a little sad because She always be with me to listen my story about everything after now  she will be more busy to handle her council marries . Her name Azila . Although we not the same age but we are very close . I hope you will enjoy the next level of your life . Next  I went back melaka sending Daling dormitory after that I stopped near Melaka Outlet . Arghhhh ! That was my first time go there . I being so excited see the goods at there . But i just window shopping only . Someone promised to me to bring me at there and treat me Ihope you bring a lot of money babe . That place a very nice . Decorated with Chinese new year celebration . Okay the last is , i go to my great granparent's house . My nephew hold a birthday party at KAJANG . Too much food that i like untill i tired to finish my food .As an example , cake , choclate , cookies , muffin , and others food . The party celebrate 3 in one time , In the same time my cousin also engaged . I will back to school this sunday . I hope my life will became better . before i Forget i wanna wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIENDS JAWA & NABILA FROM SMA CHUAH AND COME TO PETRA HOPE YOU WILL TOGETHER WITH ME TO GET FLY COLOURS IN SPM . ALWAYS HEALTHY AND DO NOT FORGET PRAY TO ALLAH FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP TO LONGLASTING FOREVER AND EVER

Hello guys.  Hm i very sad with this week.  A many challenge that i face this week.  A full this week with cry and cry . I am very down.  I know i should be more matured to face this problem but i not enough to do it . Sometime i think that i very bad in all thing.  Why i am sad?  First , one by one people that i love leave me . Iman . This year iman in same dorm with me . I love she so much . But this Tuesday she will move to ttj . Second a spm will be came and i never ever clever in math . I always fail this subject . Third. Ithink my responsible at hostel . I think i never do my responsible as a "exco" very well. Forth,  my neighbourd classmate my exdormate was discharge hospital yesterday because apendix. But one thing that i still strong untill today is FRIEND.  The people that never leave me alone. Crdt to;  Safura,  Syue,  Dina,  Hajjar,  Put,  Ab,  Wawa,  Mai,  Ain,  Yati,  Aqilah jiha khai  the best will stay .
And last i want to answer tchr Bazla' question ; Yes.  It because parent know what the best for their child.  No one in this world got the same treat.  Thankyou and ilove you friend.  
Aern . 

Fairy biological parent
Eid 2014
Holla people , Last post I promise to write the story about my parent right ? Okay let's start . First , My SUPERHERO ! who i always call as "ayah" . Given name as Zaine bin Salim . Why my father name a short ? It because my father have 9 sibling and all man and my grandmother must think for 9 man and my father a the last  . Wow ! right ? I have 4 sibling and all girl . That I should wait untill 9 and my family complete ? For 5 balance just wait baby , hahah just kidding mom . My father a army veteran , When people said army maybe you think fierce like a lion right ? NO ! my father a more gentle compared other people . Awh ! Born at Melaka , Asam pedas is everything for him . very good at Cook . When my mom got sick he will cook for us . Never say no money for me . Okay enough for my father . We continue with my mother . If father superhero my mom also SUPERWONDERWOMEN . who i call as " mama " Given name Rusminah @ Marsita bt Md Ali . My mother only have 4 sibling and 3 girl 1 man . My mother a the first . My mother a very fierce like me . very Active in all thing . only housewife but very busy with her association . My mom also a The committee of the association of parents and teachers at my school oh not at all my sibling' school . Very talkative people like me also . I think i many follow my mom's attitude . I mom very brave . I very proud with her . I very closed with her . My mom very creative in design ,  think my mom have very many ambition but she never want do it because she want focused on her children ,
Okay , I crying when write this post . It because not all poeple have their dad and mother . so we should be thankful that there are and dedicate to them . Ya allah i want a  minute not to ask something but  to thankful for what i have now .
sincere ; 

Hello guys !
Let me introduce my self . Name given Nor Azreen binti Zaine . People call me Aerin . Why aerin ? I don't why . Maybe Azreen and Aerin a closed . I think so . Let continue , 16 years old , This year I take SPM , Third big exam in my life . So long time i wait it . I am a hostel girl in my year a senior . Not bad to be a senior , HAHAHAH . I love food very much . I will eat in my free time . Sound like i am a lazy girl right ? HAHAH who care ? Have Instagram , Twiter , Wechat also facebook . Not addicated with it . Just in case i bored i will used it . Have 4 siblings . Know what ? My sibling are great and awesome people . Know why ? It because my sibling are the great fighter like WWE the great singer like Siti Nur Haliza the great dancer like K-POP  the great actor like Nazim othman and also the great comedian like Sepahtu . I love them so much . Rarely to meet and gathering together it because all of them except my "Along " and last sister are stay at hostel . My "Along" a finish school last year so now she stay at home like a maid hahaha . My third sister a form 2 student call Daling  and school at MRSM Terendak Melaka , Once a month will back home . I realy miss she so much . Last sister 9 years old and call Embun . School at SK ULU BENDUL .Not far from my house . Very hyper active girl . When i at hostel i will call home and Embun will pick up and I always fight with she to call my mom , I want to talk with my mom not SHE ! Thank you my love . Thank you being my side all time . This post i talk about my siblings next post will talk about my parent . Just wait my next post .Thank you . Enjoy your life babe .

Angel Wing Heart