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Fairy biological parent
Eid 2014
Holla people , Last post I promise to write the story about my parent right ? Okay let's start . First , My SUPERHERO ! who i always call as "ayah" . Given name as Zaine bin Salim . Why my father name a short ? It because my father have 9 sibling and all man and my grandmother must think for 9 man and my father a the last  . Wow ! right ? I have 4 sibling and all girl . That I should wait untill 9 and my family complete ? For 5 balance just wait baby , hahah just kidding mom . My father a army veteran , When people said army maybe you think fierce like a lion right ? NO ! my father a more gentle compared other people . Awh ! Born at Melaka , Asam pedas is everything for him . very good at Cook . When my mom got sick he will cook for us . Never say no money for me . Okay enough for my father . We continue with my mother . If father superhero my mom also SUPERWONDERWOMEN . who i call as " mama " Given name Rusminah @ Marsita bt Md Ali . My mother only have 4 sibling and 3 girl 1 man . My mother a the first . My mother a very fierce like me . very Active in all thing . only housewife but very busy with her association . My mom also a The committee of the association of parents and teachers at my school oh not at all my sibling' school . Very talkative people like me also . I think i many follow my mom's attitude . I mom very brave . I very proud with her . I very closed with her . My mom very creative in design ,  think my mom have very many ambition but she never want do it because she want focused on her children ,
Okay , I crying when write this post . It because not all poeple have their dad and mother . so we should be thankful that there are and dedicate to them . Ya allah i want a  minute not to ask something but  to thankful for what i have now .
sincere ; 

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