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The saddest memory that i have :( 1942-2014

Hey everyone ! 

I want to story about my saddest memory . It was happen on 2014 . People said " you must believe on people come and go " on 11.11.2014 that was the date my beloved person leave me forever . That was Ali bin Othman . Ali bin Othman was my only grandfather that i have on my mother's side ,it because my grandfather on father's side was pass away before i was born so i never know him . I call my grandfather as "Atok " very soft and kind person . He never scold me . He call me as " kak ngah " . He will shout my name when time to eat . The best part with him a every i shake with him to back the magic will happen , know what i always get a pocket money from him . Atok is the reason why i very excited to back home . On 11.11.2014 at the night i was at the hostel , i playing UNO card with my friend wawa , mj , aqilah and others . Suddenly , my sister came and said want to see me with the face very sad . I ask she what happen ? and she said Atok was leave us forever . I am shock and cry at that place . I arrived at my village , that was a lot of people read yassin that time i believe that would not see him again . I can't talk , eat i just want atok in that time . Know what 3days more is my sister birthday . My sister glad can't celebrate with him . We do tahlill 3 days and everything is okay . That was the saddest memory that i have . Ali bin othman 1942-2014 .  

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