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My great holiday
Asslamualaikum :) 

How are you guys? That you enjoy your holiday ? I hope you enjoy your Chinese New Year Holiday eventhough our school no chinese student but still leave a week that why i love Malaysia so much . Okay this holiday i don't have to much but i have to prepare to my upcoming ULBS SPM  . Such As PQS , BI , BM  wish i could be the best score . Okay let's start with my great holiday . Know what? My sister Daling back to home for this holiday been a long time she did not return home i miss Daling so much . When Daling got home he had a fever actually Daling had a fever around 10 days . Alhamdulilah when she got home her fever became better . She got only 5 days levave from thursday untill Tuesday . I think it more than enough to i elimanate my miiss to her . Then , what make my holiday became better a MY BESTFRIEND NEIGHBOUR WILL BE ENGAGED ! I am very happy for her . I help the preparation from the begining a little sad because She always be with me to listen my story about everything after now  she will be more busy to handle her council marries . Her name Azila . Although we not the same age but we are very close . I hope you will enjoy the next level of your life . Next  I went back melaka sending Daling dormitory after that I stopped near Melaka Outlet . Arghhhh ! That was my first time go there . I being so excited see the goods at there . But i just window shopping only . Someone promised to me to bring me at there and treat me Ihope you bring a lot of money babe . That place a very nice . Decorated with Chinese new year celebration . Okay the last is , i go to my great granparent's house . My nephew hold a birthday party at KAJANG . Too much food that i like untill i tired to finish my food .As an example , cake , choclate , cookies , muffin , and others food . The party celebrate 3 in one time , In the same time my cousin also engaged . I will back to school this sunday . I hope my life will became better . before i Forget i wanna wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIENDS JAWA & NABILA FROM SMA CHUAH AND COME TO PETRA HOPE YOU WILL TOGETHER WITH ME TO GET FLY COLOURS IN SPM . ALWAYS HEALTHY AND DO NOT FORGET PRAY TO ALLAH FOR OUR FRIENDSHIP TO LONGLASTING FOREVER AND EVER

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