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Welcome to my simple triple blog, i`m blabla..famous as blabla..thanks for visited my blog, nice to meet you, leave your footstep at my cbox, Do follow :)

Hello guys !
Let me introduce my self . Name given Nor Azreen binti Zaine . People call me Aerin . Why aerin ? I don't why . Maybe Azreen and Aerin a closed . I think so . Let continue , 16 years old , This year I take SPM , Third big exam in my life . So long time i wait it . I am a hostel girl in my year a senior . Not bad to be a senior , HAHAHAH . I love food very much . I will eat in my free time . Sound like i am a lazy girl right ? HAHAH who care ? Have Instagram , Twiter , Wechat also facebook . Not addicated with it . Just in case i bored i will used it . Have 4 siblings . Know what ? My sibling are great and awesome people . Know why ? It because my sibling are the great fighter like WWE the great singer like Siti Nur Haliza the great dancer like K-POP  the great actor like Nazim othman and also the great comedian like Sepahtu . I love them so much . Rarely to meet and gathering together it because all of them except my "Along " and last sister are stay at hostel . My "Along" a finish school last year so now she stay at home like a maid hahaha . My third sister a form 2 student call Daling  and school at MRSM Terendak Melaka , Once a month will back home . I realy miss she so much . Last sister 9 years old and call Embun . School at SK ULU BENDUL .Not far from my house . Very hyper active girl . When i at hostel i will call home and Embun will pick up and I always fight with she to call my mom , I want to talk with my mom not SHE ! Thank you my love . Thank you being my side all time . This post i talk about my siblings next post will talk about my parent . Just wait my next post .Thank you . Enjoy your life babe .

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