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Welcome to my simple triple blog, i`m blabla..famous as blabla..thanks for visited my blog, nice to meet you, leave your footstep at my cbox, Do follow :)

Hello guys.  Hm i very sad with this week.  A many challenge that i face this week.  A full this week with cry and cry . I am very down.  I know i should be more matured to face this problem but i not enough to do it . Sometime i think that i very bad in all thing.  Why i am sad?  First , one by one people that i love leave me . Iman . This year iman in same dorm with me . I love she so much . But this Tuesday she will move to ttj . Second a spm will be came and i never ever clever in math . I always fail this subject . Third. Ithink my responsible at hostel . I think i never do my responsible as a "exco" very well. Forth,  my neighbourd classmate my exdormate was discharge hospital yesterday because apendix. But one thing that i still strong untill today is FRIEND.  The people that never leave me alone. Crdt to;  Safura,  Syue,  Dina,  Hajjar,  Put,  Ab,  Wawa,  Mai,  Ain,  Yati,  Aqilah jiha khai  the best will stay .
And last i want to answer tchr Bazla' question ; Yes.  It because parent know what the best for their child.  No one in this world got the same treat.  Thankyou and ilove you friend.  
Aern . 

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